Back to the day when they accidentally met for the first time, the day when the word of "relationship" is still unknown. They thought it was just a normal eid al adha gathering. At that moment, Fahirah just got break up after 5 years of relationship with her ex and Ardi is still on a relationship so this was just an ordinary meeting.
Akad Nikah
- Minggu, 11 Juli 2021
- 10.00 WIB - 12.00 WIB
KUA Kelapa Dua :
Jl. DKD Raya Islamic Village, Kelapa Dua, Kec. Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten 15810
Countdown Timer
- 00Hari
- 00Jam
- 00Menit
- 00Detik
- Minggu, 21 November 2021
- Sesi I : 13.00 WIB - 15.00 WIB
- Sesi II : 15.00 WIB - 16.30 WIB
- Rumah Joglo Dian Mustika: Jl. TPU Bojong Nangka No.18A, Bojong Nangka, Kec. Klp. Dua, Tangerang, Banten 15810