Andi & Nia
Let us share our happiness

By the Grace of the Lord

We invite you to share in our joy and request your presence at the wedding of

A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.

Seeing your smile is happiness for me. Meanwhile, having you is the most beautiful gift in my life

Andi Putra Wijaya, S. E.

Son of
Mr. Wijaya
Mrs. Heryanti

Nia Sanjaya, S. M.

Daughter of
Mr. Chandra Sanjaya
Mrs. Waliyati

Countdown Timer

  • 00Day
  • 00Hour
  • 00Minute
  • 00Second

Holy Matrimony

Reception (Cia To)

Timeline History


First date


Proposes Marriage


Wedding Day

Our Pray

So they are no longer two, but one flesh, there fore what God has joined together, let no one separate
( Matthew 19: 6 )

Wedding Gift


an Andi Putra Wijaya

Kirimkan Pesan

Untuk Kedua Mempelai


( Cia To )

undangan berlaku hanya untuk 2 orang

COVID - 19 Prevention

Jangan ragu untuk datang, kami sudah berkoordinasi dengan semua pihak terkait pencegahan penularan COVID-19. Acara kami akan mengikuti segala prosedur protokol kesehatan untuk mencegah penularan COVID-19. So, don't be panic, we look forward to seeing you there!

Tamu undangan wajib
menggunakan masker.

Jaga jarak antar orang sekitar
minimal sekitar 1 meter.

Suhu tubuh normal
(dibawah 37,5°C)

Cuci tangan menggunakan air dan sabun atau menggunakan hand sanitizer.

Bagi para tamu undangan diharapkan mengikuti protokol pencegahan COVID-19.

(Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat tidak menerima karangan bunga dalam bentuk apapun)

Thank You

Andi & Nia